

JSOMap is a Java-based package for working with Self-Organizing Maps.  Utilizing object-oriented and smart software design principles, it is intended to be incredibly easy to use in a variety of applications, from pure number crunching to interactive demos, while also being very flexible and supportive of customization.  A collection of Java interfaces specifies the different parts involved in the SOM algorithm, and is backed by fully functioning default implementation classes, ready for use by the user.  Custom implementations are easily integrated into the existing class structure since the API refers to interfaces, not concrete classes.

JSOMap has been used in several projects involving Self-Organizing Maps, including visualization research and document organization (see the Gallery section).  At least one project will be using it in the future, for organizing the set of cycles obtained from a directed graph.  It is free software, distributed under the GNU GPL.  This basically means that you can use it in anything except proprietary software, and can change it as long as your changes are released under the GPL as well.

If you have any questions or comments about JSOMap or Self-Organizing Maps in general, please email me, Zach Cox.  I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have!



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Send mail to zcox@iastate.edu with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 28, 2002