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API Design
EE 547 Project
ComS 572 Project

API Design

JSOMap uses several design patterns and lots of sound object-oriented design principles to create an easy-to-use yet incredibly powerful API for using Self-Organizing Maps in Java.

EE 547 Project

This is a project I did for EE 547 Pattern Recognition at Iowa State University.  It investigates two new approaches to visualizing Self-Organizing Maps.  The first is an animation of the actual algorithm as it stretches the map around the data in input space, and the second uses linked brushing to explore the map in both input space and feature space.

ComS 572 Project

This is a project I did for ComS 572 Principles of Artificial Intelligence at Iowa State University.  It deals with a system of intelligent agents that organize a set of HTML documents based on their content.  In particular, a learning agent uses the JSOMap package to learn about the documents.



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Send mail to zcox@iastate.edu with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 27, 2002