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The Data Interface


The Data interface represents a collection of patterns.  This interface is used by the rest of the JSOMap API for accessing the data used by the SOM.  The patterns can be stored in any data structure, as long as they can be accessed by an integer index. 

Figure 1.  UML diagram for the Data interface.

The three methods specified by the Data interface allow full access to the underlying patterns.  The set method is specified as optional, so that implementations do not have to be mutable.

Any class that stores patterns can implement the Data interface.  This means that by implementing Data, a class used by a different system can provide Pattern views of its data elements and can be used directly by the other JSOMap classes, without having to copy its data elements into a JSOMap Data implementation.

Generally, any implementation of Pattern should have a corresponding subinterface of Data.  This subinterface should specify get and set methods for the Pattern implementation.  Referring to the subinterface of Data allows clients to be sure of the type of pattern they are working with.

Since JSOMap provides two concrete implementations of Pattern, it specifies two subinterfaces of Data: DoubleData and IntegerData.  These interfaces extend Data and specify additional get and set methods that refer to their corresponding Pattern implementations.

Figure 2.  UML diagram for the DoubleData and IntegerData interfaces.

Figure 3 below shows the concrete implementations of the DoubleData interface.  Notice that all of the implementations (except SynchronizedDoubleData) use an instance of BasicDoubleData.  BasicDoubleData is an implementation of DoubleData that other classes can use to build a set of DoublePattern instances.  Using the add method, other classes can add patterns one-by-one.  Mainly, these other classes either retrieve patterns from some source or generate new patterns in some way.  SynchronizedDoubleData just wraps another DoubleData object, and declares all of its methods as synchronized (this makes SynchronizedDoubleData safe to use by multiple threads).

Figure 3.  UML diagram for the concrete implementations of DoubleData.

Figure 4 below shows the concrete implementations of the IntegerData interface.  These implementations follow the same sort of design as the DoubleData implementations.

Figure 4.  UML diagram for the concrete implementations of IntegerData.



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Last modified: March 03, 2002