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JSOMap Events


JSOMap provides support for two types of events: algorithm events and configuration events.  Algorithm events occur during the execution of an algorithm (see the EventAlgorithm description in the Algorithm section) and configuration events occur when the algorithm, the map, or the parameters is configured.

Figure 1.  UML diagram for the JSOMap event listener interfaces.

Algorithm Events

An implementation of the EventAlgorithm interface is an algorithm that sends events containing information about the execution of the algorithm.  These events are encapsulated by instances of the AlgorithmEvent class.  Any class that wishes to be notified of the algorithm events should implement the AlgorithmListener interface, and register with the EventAlgorithm via its addAlgorithmListener method.

Figure 1.  UML diagram for the AlgorithmListener interface and the AlgorithmEvent class.

Algorithm events are generated by the following three things:

algorithm starting

algorithm stopping

new iteration starting

Configuration Events

The Configurer interface represents any object that might change an algorithm, a map, or the parameters used by an algorithm.  Some client may want to be notified of these changes, for instance a display of the map would need to know when the map has been modified in some way so it can update the view.  These clients should implement the ConfigurationListener interface and register with the Configurer via its addConfigurationListener method.

Figure 2.  UML diagram for the ConfigurationListener and Configurer interfaces and the ConfigurationEvent class.



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Last modified: March 04, 2002